Spring Concert with Piano and Horns

Saturday, April 5th at  5:30 pm

St. Paul Music Director, Ana Zecic Jeffers (piano) will be joined by parishioner Mark Olson (trumpet) and Walt Bostian (trombone) in a concert with works by Stojowski, Mihalovici and Bernofsky. Held in the sanctuary. Donations are welcome. Come to St. Paul’s Supper Club Potluck afterwards in the Fellowship Hall at 6:30.

Midweek Services in Lent 

Wednesday Nights, March 12 – April 9, at 7:15 pm
Soup supper in the fellowship hall at 6:30pm and
Worship with music of Holden Evening Prayer at 7:15pm in the sanctuary

Holy Week Schedule

MAUNDY THURSDAY – April 17 at 7:30 pm service
GOOD FRIDAY –  April 18 at 7:30 pm service
EASTER VIGIL – Saturday, April 19 at 7:00 pm service, followed by dessert buffet

EASTER SUNDAY – April 20 at 8:15 am and 10:30 am services

Fellowship Hall Breakfast Potluck from 9:00-10:30

Pickup Hallelujah Chorus for the 10:30 service practice 9:30-10:00


Sunday Worship Times:

8:15 am Service

9:30 am Education Hour (youth and adults)

10:30 am Service (also streamed to Facebook)

11:30 am Coffee Hour

To join Sunday 10:30 am worship online LIVESTREAMED on FACEBOOK, CLICK HERE.
 To download this Sunday’s bulletin, CLICK HERE.

St. Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church welcomes people regardless of race, nationality, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, family configuration, economic circumstances, or difference in ability, culture, education or age.

Welcome from Pastor Ross Goodman

I sometimes hear people talk about church as a place to visit or attend. At St. Paul, we seek to create a community to which you can belong. We cherish a community in which everyone matters, with an understanding of grace that includes all people. Our congregation doesn’t have the mysteries of God figured out. We haven’t solved any of society’s biggest problems. But we’re unafraid to ask tough questions while we seek to live faithfully and joyfully. Since we pull together from all walks of life, you won’t find uniformity on all issues. But you can expect a spirit of unity, love, and a commitment to the needs of others. These things matter to Jesus, and so they matter to us. 

Are you looking for a place to center your spiritual life? A place to belong? People to grow alongside and make a difference in the world? Friendships that could change your life? I invite you to explore St. Paul–where we rely on the gifts of faith, hope, and love.

Come and give new shape to your life of faith in a community we refer to as “St. Paul.”  Our doors are open to you. 

Come and see, 